Two Big Features and One Big Update

We have multiple exciting releases that are the first big step in addressing some big needs we have been hearing.

Smart Filters


This is the feature we are the most excited about that will fundamentally change your relationship with reports! In any report you will be able to add a smart filter which generates a company list that stays in perfect sync with whichever filter you build. Why is this so exciting?

  • Tired of having to cobble together spreadsheets whenever someone asks you about the status of your pipeline? Simply create filters for the different stages of your pipeline and send them a link! Anytime they ask for the report it will always be up to date based on the changes you make to your company profiles.
  • Set up your taxonomy for a sector report once and anytime you add a relevant company it will be added to the correct report. Maintaining dozens or even hundreds of these reports is as easy as adding the right field to your companies.

We're excited to see where you take this and let us know if you have any questions about how this can level up your workflow. 

Learn more here



Dashboards are here! You can find them as a new tab on the Companies page or within any report. Our first tool for the dashboard, the Filter Graph, is an incredibly flexible option that can work with all of your data. Create a vertical bar graph, horizontal bar graph, or line graph that displays the total number of records returned for any kind of filter you can think of. Want to see a breakdown of your portfolio by sector? Stages in your pipeline? Relationship owners? This is all possible with the Filter Graph. If you need help setting them up please reach out to us.

Learn more here



Based on your feedback we have updated the design of the Ecosystem to better highlight what really matters, your attachments. On top of that we also added the ability to view all of your attachments in a single list or filter them down by type with our sidebar. No more digging through your messages to locate that report that was shared with you.

Final thoughts

None of this would have been possible without your direct feedback so keep it coming. We are committed to providing the best tool for empowering you and your team to manage and share your startup relationships. Until next time!